A few days ago, a question was asked on StackOverflow about how to export the content of a Notes view to Excel. The caveat was that some columns contained multiple values, but not on all documents.
To solve this, I wrote a Lotusscript class that will export view data as either CSV or as an HTML table, both can then be saved to a file and opened in Excel. I am posting the code below. Enjoy!
%REM Agent View Export Created Mar 27, 2013 by Karl-Henry Martinsson Description: Code to export a specified view as CSV. Copyright (c) 2013 by Karl-Henry Martinsson This code is distributed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2. See http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt %END REM Option Public Option Declare Class RowData Public column List As String Public Sub New() End Sub Public Sub SetColumnHeader(view As NotesView) Dim viewcolumn As NotesViewColumn Dim cnt As Integer ForAll vc In view.Columns Set viewcolumn = vc column(CStr(cnt)) = viewcolumn.Title cnt = cnt + 1 End Forall End Sub Public Sub SetColumnValues(values As Variant) Dim cnt As Integer Dim tmp As String ForAll v In values If IsArray(v) Then ForAll c In v tmp = tmp + c + Chr$(13) End ForAll column(CStr(cnt)) = Left$(tmp,Len(tmp)-1) Else column(CStr(cnt)) = v End If cnt = cnt + 1 End ForAll End Sub End Class Class CSVData Private row List As RowData Private rowcnt As Long %REM Function New Description: Open the view and read view data into a list of RowData objects. %END REM Public Sub New(server As String, database As String, viewname As String) Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim view As NotesView Dim col As NotesViewEntryCollection Dim entry As NotesViewEntry Dim colcnt As Integer Set db = New NotesDatabase(server, database) If db Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Could not open " + database + " on " + server,16,"Error" Exit Sub End If Set view = db.GetView(viewname) If view Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Could not access view " + viewname + ".",16,"Error" Exit Sub End If Set col = view.AllEntries() rowcnt = 0 Set entry = col.GetFirstEntry() Set row("Header") = New RowData() Call row("Header").SetColumnHeader(view) Do Until entry Is Nothing rowcnt = rowcnt + 1 Set row(CStr(rowcnt)) = New RowData() Call row(CStr(rowcnt)).SetColumnValues(entry.ColumnValues) Set entry = col.GetNextEntry(entry) Loop End Sub %REM Function CSVArray Description: Returns a string array of CSV data by row %END REM Public Function CSVArray() As Variant Dim rowarray() As String Dim textrow As String Dim cnt As Long ReDim rowarray(rowcnt) As String ForAll r In row textrow = "" ForAll h In r.column textrow = textrow + |"| + Replace(h,Chr$(13),"\n") + |",| End ForAll rowarray(cnt) = Left$(textrow,Len(textrow)-1) cnt = cnt + 1 End ForAll CSVArray = rowarray End Function %REM Function HTMLArray Description: Returns a string array of HTML data by row %END REM Public Function HTMLArray() As Variant Dim rowarray() As String Dim textrow As String Dim cnt As Long ReDim rowarray(rowcnt) As String ForAll r In row textrow = "" ForAll h In r.column textrow = textrow + |<td>| + Replace(h,Chr$(13),"<br>") + |</td>| End ForAll rowarray(cnt) = "<tr>" + textrow + "</tr>" cnt = cnt + 1 End ForAll HTMLArray = rowarray End Function End Class
Here is an example of how to use the class:
Sub Initialize Dim csv As CSVData Dim outfile As String Set csv = New CSVData("DominoServer/YourDomain", "names.nsf", "People\By Last Name") '*** Create CSV file from view outfile = "c:\ExcelExportTest.csv" Open outfile For Output As #1 ForAll row In csv.CSVArray() Print #1, row End ForAll Close #1 '*** Create HTML table and save as .xls to open in Excel outfile = "c:\ExcelExportTest.xls" Open outfile For Output As #2 Print #2, "<table>" ForAll row In csv.HTMLArray() Print #2, row End ForAll Print #2, "</table>" Close #2 End Sub