In the developerWorks forum for Notes 8, a user asked about how to check if a file (in this particular instance attached to a Rich Text Lite field) is an Adobe PDF file. The easiest (but of course not fool proof) way is to simply check the extension of the file name.
That reminded me that I have a simple Lotusscript class with some file functions that would simplify the parsing of a filename, if you want to get the path, the file name or just the extension. I thought that perhaps more people could use this, so I am posting it below. Thanks to Andre Guirard for the code to create directories. That is a function I sometimes need when working with files, so I added that to the class for my convenience.
Option Public Option Declare Class FileObject Private p_FileName As String Private p_FilePath As String Private p_Extension As String Public Sub New() End Sub Public Property Set FileName As String p_FileName = FileName p_Extension = StrRightBack(FileName,".") End Property Public Property Get FileName As String FileName = p_FileName End Property Public Function Extension() As String Extension = p_Extension End Function Public Property Set FilePath As String p_FilePath = FilePath If Right(p_FilePath,1)<>"\" Then p_FilePath = p_FilePath & "\" End If End Property Public Property Get FilePath As String FilePath = p_FilePath End Property Public Property Set FullPathName As String Me.FilePath = StrLeftBack(FullPathName,"\") Me.FileName = StrRightBack(FullPathName,"\") End Property Public Property Get FullPathName As String FullPathName = p_FilePath & p_FileName End Property Public Sub MakeDir(Byval strWhere As String) ' *** This code by Andre Guirard @ IBM ' *** ' *** Using an iterative method instead of recursive due to stack issues (see link above) On Error 76 Goto parentDoesNotExist Dim stack$ Const NL = { } Do Mkdir strWhere On Error Goto 0 ' first success, stop trapping errors; avoid infinite loop. strWhere = Strleft(stack, NL) ' "pop" a path for next iteration stack = Mid$(stack, Len(strWhere)+2) failed: Loop Until strWhere = "" Exit Sub parentDoesNotExist: ' This error code can indicate other problems, but assume missing parent. ' If not, we get a different error (75) later when trying to create the parent. Dim fpath$, fname$ SplitFilepath strWhere, fpath, fname If fpath = "" Then Error 76, "Invalid path: '" & strWhere & "'" stack = strWhere & NL & stack ' "push" onto stack to retry later. strWhere = fpath ' try a path one step shorter. Resume failed End Sub ' ===== Private Supporting Functions ===== Private Sub SplitFilePath(Byval fullpath$, dirpath$, filename$) ' *** This subroutine by Andre Guirard @ IBM ' *** ' *** Called from MakeDir() Const DELIMS = {/\:} While Instr(DELIMS, Right$(fullPath, 1)) ' discard final delimiter character... fullpath = Left$(fullpath, Len(fullpath)-1) Wend Dim candidate$, i% filename = Strtoken(fullpath, Left$(DELIMS, 1), -1) For i = 2 To Len(DELIMS) candidate = Strtoken(fullpath, Mid$(DELIMS, i, 1), -1) If Len(candidate) < Len(filename) Then filename = candidate End If Next Dim fplen% fplen = Len(fullpath)-Len(filename) If fplen > 0 Then fplen = fplen - 1 dirpath = Left$(fullpath, fplen) End Sub End Class
After posting this code, I got inspired to improve it, something I actually need for an upcoming project. I hope to post the new code shortly.