Recently my boss asked me to come up with a way to show certain information on a map of some kind, and after doing some research I decided to simply create a KML file and use Google Earth. In order to create the KML file, I needed latitude and longitude of each address I was going to display. I found a couple of different free services, and I decided to use the one from Google.
The Google Geocode service is using a REST API, so it was easy to write some code to send address and retrieve XML with (among other things) latitude and longitude. An additional benefit is that the address get check and modified, so if the ZIP is off, or the name of the street is not “Street” but “Drive”, the correct values get returned.
You need tosign up to get your own key from Google, but it is free.
Today I decided to write a small class to do this lookup, so now I can add this to any program I write. Below is the code for the script library, as well as a small code sample how to call it. Enjoy!
Update: I have updated the code below to the latest version, as of March 5, 2013.
Dim geodata As GeoData Set geodata = New GeoData("6363 North State Highway 161", "Irving", "tx", "") If geodata.IsValid Then Msgbox geodata.Street & Chr$(13) & geodata.City & ", " & geodata.State & " " & geodata.ZIP,, _ "Accuracy = " & geodata.AccuracyMsgbox "Lat: " & geodata.Latitude & " Longitude: " & geodata.Longitude End If
And here is the class, I suggest to put it in a script library.
Option Public Option Declare Class GeoData Private GeoString As String Public street As String Public city As String Public zip As String Public state As String Public latitude As String Public longitude As String Public errmsg As String Public warnmsg As String Public Sub New(streetStr As String, cityStr As String, stateStr As String, zipStr As String) Dim httpObject As Variant Dim mapsKey As String Dim mapsURL As String Dim address As String Dim retries As Integer Dim httpURL As String Dim returncode As String Dim coordinates As String Dim ret As Integer Dim xmladdress As String Dim addarray As Variant Dim success As Integer retries = 0 errmsg = "" warnmsg = "" '*** Use Win32 COM object to do HTTP calls Set httpObject = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") mapsKey = "" mapsUrl = "" address = streetStr & ", " & cityStr & ", " & stateStr & " " & zipStr httpURL = mapsURL & address & "&output=xml" success = False Do '*** After the two first calls, introduce a 1 second delay between calls If retries>1 Then Sleep 1 End If retries = retries + 1 Call"GET", httpURL, False) Call httpObject.send() GeoString = Left$(httpObject.responseText,16000) returncode = GetGeoValue("code") If returncode = "200" Then success = True errmsg = "" ElseIf returncode = "500" Then errmsg ="[Google GeoCode Error " & returncode & "] - " _ "A geocoding or directions request could not be successfully processed, " _ "yet the exact reason for the failure is unknown." latitude = "" longitude = "" street = streetStr zip = zipStr city = cityStr state = stateStr success = True ElseIf returncode = "601" Then errmsg ="[Google GeoCode Error " & returncode & "] - An empty address was specified." latitude = "" longitude = "" street = streetStr zip = zipStr city = cityStr state = stateStr success = True ElseIf returncode = "602" Then errmsg ="[Google GeoCode Error " & returncode & "] - " _ "No corresponding geographic location could be found for the specified address, " _ "possibly because the address is relatively new, or because it may be incorrect." latitude = "" longitude = "" street = streetStr zip = zipStr city = cityStr state = stateStr success = True ElseIf returncode = "603" Then errmsg ="[Google GeoCode Error " & returncode & "] - " _ "The geocode for the given address or the route for the given directions query " _ "cannot be returned due to legal or contractual reasons." latitude = "" longitude = "" street = streetStr zip = zipStr city = cityStr state = stateStr success = True ElseIf returncode = "610" Then errmsg ="[Google GeoCode Error " & returncode & "] - The given key is either " _ "invalid or does not match the domain for which it was given." latitude = "" longitude = "" street = streetStr zip = zipStr city = cityStr state = stateStr success = True ElseIf returncode = "620" Then errmsg ="[Google GeoCode Error " & returncode & "] - The given key has gone over the requests " _ "limit in the 24 hour period or has submitted too many requests in too short a period of time." latitude = "" longitude = "" street = streetStr zip = zipStr city = cityStr state = stateStr success = True ElseIf retries >= 10 Then errmsg ="[Google GeoCode Error " & returncode & "] - " _ "The geocoding function timed out." & Chr$(13) & _ "This usually indicate a problem with the internet connection or the geocode server, " & _ "or that the suite number is on the first address line, confusing the server." latitude = "" longitude = "" street = streetStr zip = zipStr city = cityStr state = stateStr success = True End If Loop Until success = True If returncode = "200" Then coordinates = GetGeoValue("coordinates") latitude = Left$(coordinates, InStr(coordinates,",")-1) longitude = Mid$(coordinates, Len(latitude)+2, InStr(Len(latitude)+2,coordinates,",")-Len(latitude)-2) street =GetGeoValue("ThoroughfareName") zip = GetGeoValue("PostalCodeNumber") city = GetGeoValue("LocalityName") state = GetGeoValue("AdministrativeAreaName") xmladdress = GetGeoValue("address") If street = "" Or zip="" Then warnmsg ="[Warning] - The street address could not be verified." & Chr$(13) & _ "Existing value will be saved." & Chr$(13) & "Please verify that address is correct." street = streetStr latitude = "" longitude = "" ElseIf city = "" Then If state <> "" Then addarray = Split(xmladdress,", ") city = addarray(UBound(addarray)-2) zip = Right$(addarray(UBound(addarray)-1),5) End If End If If UCase(state)<>UCase(stateStr) Then ' Different state? warnmsg = "[Warning] - The address returned seems to be very different from the one submitted." & _ Chr$(13) & "Address submitted: " & Chr$(13) & streetStr & Chr$(13) & cityStr & ", " & stateStr & _ " " & zipStr & Chr$(13) & "Address returned: " & Chr$(13) & street & Chr$(13) & city & ", " & _ state & " " & zip street = streetStr zip = zipStr city = cityStr state = stateStr latitude = "" longitude = "" End If If city = "" Then warnmsg ="[Warning] - The city could not be verified." & Chr$(13) & _ "Existing value will be saved." & Chr$(13) & "Please verify that address is correct." city = cityStr latitude = "" longitude = "" End If End If End Sub Public Function Accuracy() As Integer Dim startpos As Long Dim endpos As Long If IsValid = False Then Accuracy = 0 Exit Function End If startpos = InStr(LCase(GeoString),|accuracy="|) + 10 endpos = InStr(startpos, LCase(GeoString), |"|) If endpos < startpos Then Accuracy = 0 Else Accuracy = CInt(FullTrim(Mid$(GeoString,startpos, endpos - startpos))) End If End Function Public Function HasAddInfo(address As String) As Integer If InStr(LCase(address),"apt")>0 Then HasAddInfo = True ElseIf InStr(LCase(address),"apartment ")>0 Then HasAddInfo = True ElseIf InStr(LCase(address),"suite ")>0 Then HasAddInfo = True ElseIf InStr(LCase(address),"ste ")>0 Then HasAddInfo = True ElseIf InStr(LCase(address)," #")>0 Then HasAddInfo = True ElseIf InStr(LCase(address),", ")>0 Then HasAddInfo = True Else HasAddInfo = False End If End Function Public Function IsValid() As Integer If GeoString = "" Then IsValid = False Else IsValid = True End If End Function Public Function GetGeoValue(tag As String) As String Dim startpos As Long Dim endpos As Long Dim tempstring As String If GeoString = "" Then GetGeoValue = "" Exit Function End If startpos = InStr(LCase(GeoString),"< " & LCase(tag) & ">") + Len(tag) endpos = InStr(startpos, LCase(GeoString), "") If endpos < startpos Then GetGeoValue = "" Else tempstring = FullTrim(Mid$(GeoString,startpos+2, endpos - startpos - 2)) GetGeoValue = FullTrim(Replace(tempstring,"&","&")) End If End Function End Class