How to write better code in Notes/Domino
The inspiration to this series of blog entries partially comes from looking at code posted in the developerWorks forums. Some of it is extremely hard to read and understand, even if you ignore the fact that the forum removes indentation from the code.
If you write code that is hard to read, your applications will be hard to maintain. Write the code so it is easy for the poor person who will be maintaining the code in the future. Most probably that person will be you. You might also have to post your code in the developerWorks forum or on StackOverflow for help. If the code is hard to read and understand, you might not get very much help.
What I will talk about is what you can do to become a better programmer, and write code easier to maintain. After being a Notes developer since 1996, I have learned a bit about what makes a Notes application easy to read and to maintain. I want to share some of my thoughts on this blog, or in the words of Kevin Spacey at Lotusphere 2011: “sending the elevator down”. Hopefully it will help someone.
Here are links to the individual entries in this series:
Part 1 – February 20, 2013
Part 2 – February 21, 2013
Part 3 – February 22, 2013
Part 4 – March 5, 2013
Good luck with your Notes/Domino development!
Very much like your words:
“If you write code that is hard to read, your applications will be hard to maintain. Write the code so it is easy for the poor person who will be maintaining the code in the future. Most probably that person will be you.”