To make it easy to implement N2PDF in my applications/agents, I created a simple class, which I put in a script library called Class.PDF. Most of the code for teh actual PDF generation was taken straight from the example provided with the product.
In addition to the actual PDF creation, I also added functions to send the PDF file to a physical printer, and to send the PDF file to our internal document imaging system. I have removed the code for the latter, as it is very specialized code, calling a custom COM object we built, etc.
To send the PDF file to the printer, Acrobat Reader 9.0 is installed on the server (or client, depending on where the code is being executed). Due to limitations in AcroRD32.exe (it is not closing after it finish printing), I am using Acrobat Wrapper (AcroWrap.exe) from bioPDF.
You may also notice that I check two environment variables, this is to detect if the code is running on a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows.
I can not take credit for the ShellAndWait() function, I downloaded the code long ago from somewhere. It is used instead of the LotusScript Shell() function, and it will sit and wait until the called program finished executing before it continues.
Option Public Option Declare %INCLUDE "N2PDFDEF.SCR" ' *** Used for ShellAndWait() Type STARTUPINFO cb As Long lpReserved As String lpDesktop As String lpTitle As String dwX As Long dwY As Long dwXSize As Long dwYSize As Long dwXCountChars As Long dwYCountChars As Long dwFillAttribute As Long dwFlags As Long wShowWindow As Integer cbReserved2 As Integer lpReserved2 As Long hStdInput As Long hStdOutput As Long hStdError As Long End Type ' *** Used for ShellAndWait() Type PROCESS_INFORMATION hProcess As Long hThread As Long dwProcessID As Long dwThreadID As Long End Type ' *** Used for ShellAndWait() Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" _ (Byval hHandle As Long, Byval dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long Declare Function CreateProcessA Lib "kernel32" _ (Byval lpApplicationName As Long, Byval lpCommandLine As String, _ Byval lpProcessAttributes As Long, Byval lpThreadAttributes As Long, _ Byval bInheritHandles As Long, Byval dwCreationFlags As Long, _ Byval lpEnvironment As Long, Byval lpCurrentDirectory As Long, _ lpStartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, _ lpProcessInformation As PROCESS_INFORMATION) As Long Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" _ (Byval hObject As Long) As Long Const NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = &H20& Const INFINITE = -1& Const tmpPath = "C:\N2PDF\" ' Directory to store files in ' *** Main class to create and print PDF files Class PDF Private JobID As Long Private IsOnServer As Integer Public PrinterName As String Public testmode As Integer Public Sub New() Dim session As New NotesSession Dim txtrow As String Dim cmd As String Dim res As Integer ' *** Fix registry settings for Acrobat 9.0 to not shrink/fit page Open tmpPath & "AcrobatSettings.reg" For Output As #1 Print #1, "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" Print #1, "" Print #1, "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AVGeneral]" Print #1, |"bprintExpandToFit"=dword:00000000| Print #1, |"iprintScaling"=dword:00000001| Close #1 cmd = |regedit /s | & tmpPath & |AcrobatSettings.reg| res = ShellAndWaitFunc(cmd) Kill tmpPath & "AcrobatSettings.reg" Me.IsOnServer = session.IsOnServer() ' True if code is running on server If InitN2PDF() = False Then Call printmsg( "Failed to initialize N2PDF. Exiting.") Exit Sub End If testmode = False End Sub Sub Delete ' *** Destructor End Sub ' *** This function print to console on server but display message box if running in client Private Sub PrintMsg(text As String) If Me.IsOnServer Then Print text Else Msgbox text,,"Class.PDF:" & Getthreadinfo(LSI_THREAD_CALLPROC) End If End Sub Private Function InitN2PDF() As Integer Me.JobID = N2PDFInit (0) If ( Me.JobID < 0 ) Then ' Make sure N2PDF was initialized successfully InitN2PDF = False Exit Function End If ' *** Set N2PDF options Call N2PDFSetGlobalOption( N2PDFGLOBALOPTION_SHOW_MESSAGES, _ N2PDFVALUE_False,"" ) Call N2PDFSetOption ( Me.JobID, _ N2PDFOPTION_SYSTEM_LAUNCH_VIEWER, N2PDFVALUE_FALSE, "" ) Call N2PDFSetOption ( Me.JobID, _ N2PDFOPTION_NOTES_LINK_DOC_MODE, N2PDFVALUE_NOTES_LINK_MODE_IMAGE_LINK, "" ) Call N2PDFSetOption ( Me.JobID, _ N2PDFOPTION_PDF_COMPRESSION_MODE, N2PDFVALUE_COMPRESSION_DEFLATE, "" ) Call N2PDFSetOption ( Me.JobID, _ N2PDFOPTION_PARAGRAPH_FONT_NAME, "Arial", N2PDFVALUE_DEFAULT_PARAGRAPH_NAME ) Call N2PDFSetOption ( Me.JobID, _ N2PDFOPTION_PARAGRAPH_FONT_SIZE, "8", N2PDFVALUE_DEFAULT_PARAGRAPH_NAME ) Call N2PDFSetOption ( Me.JobID, _ N2PDFOPTION_PARAGRAPH_FONT_COLOR, N2PDFVALUE_COLOR_BLACK, _ N2PDFVALUE_DEFAULT_PARAGRAPH_NAME ) Call N2PDFSetOption ( Me.JobID, _ N2PDFOPTION_FORMAT_DELETE_TRAILING_SPACE, N2PDFVALUE_True, "" ) Call N2PDFSetOption ( Me.JobID, _ N2PDFOPTION_PAGE_FORMAT_STANDARD,N2PDFVALUE_PAGEFORMAT_LETTER, "" ) Call N2PDFSetOption ( Me.JobID, N2PDFOPTION_EXPORT_TABLE_GAP, "1", "" ) InitN2PDF = True End Function Public Function AddDocToPDF(doc As NotesDocument) ' *** Add doc to the PDF we are processing. ' *** Use trailing CRLF to avoid blank page at the end Call N2PDFAddRTContent ( JobID, N2PDFVALUE_CONTENT_BODY, _ N2PDFVALUE_CRLF_AFTER, doc.ParentDatabase.Server, _ doc.ParentDatabase.FilePath, doc.UniversalID, "") End Function Public Sub AddPageBreak() Call N2PDFAddContent( Me.JobID, N2PDFVALUE_CONTENT_BODY, _ N2PDFVALUE_PAGEBREAK_AFTER," " ) End Sub Public Sub AddLineBreak() Call N2PDFAddContent( Me.JobID, N2PDFVALUE_CONTENT_BODY, _ N2PDFVALUE_CRLF_AFTER," " ) End Sub Public Function CreatePDF(outfile As String) If Fulltrim(outfile) = "" Then Call PrintMsg("No filename provided provided for [outfile].") Exit Function End If Call N2PDFProcess ( Me.JobID, outfile, 0 ) End Function Public Sub SetPrinter(printername As String) Me.PrinterName = printername End Sub Public Function PrintPDF(Byval filename As String) As Integer Dim printer As String Dim prg As String Dim cmd As String Dim success As Long Dim dirtemp As String Dim path As String If Environ$("ProgramFiles(x86)") <> "" Then path = Environ$("ProgramFiles(x86)") Elseif Environ$("ProgramFiles") <> "" Then path = Environ$("ProgramFiles") Else path = "c:\Program Files" End If dirtemp = path & "\bioPDF\Acrobat Wrapper\" prg = dirtemp & "acrowrap.exe" If Dir$(prg) = "" Then ' *** File was not found, we can't print to printer without it. Print "Failed to locate acrowrap.exe (bioPDF Acrobat Wrapper)." PrintPDF = -1 Exit Function End If prg = |"| & prg & |"| ' Add double quotes around file name If Me.PrinterName<>"" Then printer = " " & Me.PrinterName Else printer = "" ' This will use default printer End If filename = |"| & filename & |"| cmd = prg & | /t | & filename & printer success = ShellAndWaitFunc(cmd) PrintPDF = Cint(success) End Function Private Function ShellAndWaitFunc(Byval RunProg As String) As Long Dim RetVal As Long Dim RetvalClose As Long Dim proc As PROCESS_INFORMATION Dim StartInf As STARTUPINFO StartInf.cb = Len(StartInf) ' Execute the given path RetVal = CreateProcessA(0&, RunProg, 0&, 0&, 1&, _ NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0&, 0&, StartInf, proc) ' Disable this app until the shelled one is done RetVal = WaitForSingleObject(proc.hProcess, INFINITE) RetValClose = CloseHandle(proc.hProcess) ShellAndWaitFunc = RetValClose End Function End Class
Here is a small code snippet showing how to call the class. Enjoy!
Option Public Option Declare Use "Class.PDF" Dim pdf As PDF Dim success As Integer dim PDFfile As String ...set doc here PDFfile = doc.UniversalID & ".pdf" ' Create file name based on document UNID Set pdf = New PDF() ' Initialize PDF object pdf.TestMode = False ' Set PDF object to test mode if desired pdf.PrinterName ="CRP_Accounting_Color" ' Set the printer name for printouts Call pdf.AddDocToPDF( doc ) Call pdf.CreatePDF( PDFfile ) success= pdf.PrintPDF( PDFfile ) If success = 1 Then MsgBox "Successfully printed " & PDFfile & "." End If