After Kathy Brown wrote about lists earlier today, I thought I would share another example of how they can be used. Back in April I shared some code showing how to get latitude and longitude for an address, by calling Google’s GeoCode REST service.
Today I will show how easy it is to use that class together with a list…
First, let’s revisit the GeoCode class. I made some minor modifications, so I will post the latest version here:
Class GeoData Private GeoString As String Public street As String Public city As String Public zip As String Public state As String Public latitude As String Public longitude As String Public Sub New(streetStr As String, cityStr As String, stateStr As String, zipStr As String) Dim httpObject As Variant Dim mapsKey As String Dim mapsURL As String Dim address As String Dim retries As Integer Dim httpURL As String Dim returncode As String Dim coordinates As String Dim ret As Integer Dim xmladdress As String Dim addarray As Variant retries = 0 Set httpObject = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") mapsKey = "your_googleAPI_key" mapsUrl = "" address = streetStr & ", " & cityStr & ", " & stateStr & " " & zipStr httpURL = mapsURL & address & "&output=xml&key=" & mapsKey ' Use output=CSV for CVS file Do If retries>1 Then Sleep 1 ' After the two first calls, introduce a 1 second delay betwen each additional call End If retries = retries + 1 Call"GET", httpURL, False) Call httpObject.send() GeoString = Left$(httpObject.responseText,16000) returncode = GetGeoValue("code") If retries >= 10 Then returncode = "500" ' Fake other failure after 10 attempts End If Loop Until returncode <> "620" If returncode = "200" Then coordinates = GetGeoValue("coordinates") latitude = Left$(coordinates, Instr(coordinates,",")-1) longitude = Mid$(coordinates, Len (latitude)+2, Instr(Len(latitude)+2,coordinates,",")-Len(latitude)-2) street =GetGeoValue("ThoroughfareName") zip = GetGeoValue("PostalCodeNumber") city = GetGeoValue("LocalityName") state = GetGeoValue("AdministrativeAreaName") xmladdress = GetGeoValue("address") If city = "" Then If state <> "" Then addarray = R5split(xmladdress,", ") city = addarray(1) zip = Right$(addarray(2),5) End If End If If Ucase(state)<>Ucase(stateStr) Then ' Different state? ret = Msgbox("The address returned seems to be very different" & Chr$(13) & _ "from the one submitted." & Chr$(13) & _ "The address returned is:" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _ street & Chr$(13) & city & ", " & state & " " & zip & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _ "Do you want to use this address?",4+32,"WARNING") If ret = 7 Then street = streetStr zip = zipStr city = cityStr state = stateStr End If End If If street = "" Then Msgbox "The street address could not be verified." & Chr$(13) & _ "Existing value will be saved." & Chr$(13) & _ "Please verify that address is correct.",,"Street Not Verified" street = streetStr End If If city = "" Then Msgbox "The city could not be verified." & Chr$(13) & _ "Existing value will be saved." & Chr$(13) & _ "Please verify that address is correct.",,"City Not Verified" city = cityStr End If Else If returncode = "602" Then Msgbox "No corresponding geographic location found"_ ,,"Google GeoCode Error 602" Elseif returncode = "603" Then Msgbox "The geocode cannot be returned due to legal or contractual reasons." _ ,,"Google GeoCode Error 602" End If ' Return original value to avoid overwriting... street = streetStr zip = zipStr city = cityStr state = stateStr End If End Sub Public Function Accuracy() As Integer Dim startpos As Long Dim endpos As Long If IsValid = False Then Accuracy = 0 Exit Function End If startpos = Instr(Lcase(GeoString),|accuracy="|) + 10 endpos = Instr(startpos, Lcase(GeoString), |"|) If endpos < startpos Then Accuracy = 0 Else Accuracy = Cint(Fulltrim(Mid$(GeoString,startpos, endpos - startpos))) End If End Function Public Function HasAddInfo(address As String) As Integer If Instr(Lcase(address),"apt")>0 Then HasAddInfo = True Elseif Instr(Lcase(address),"apartment ")>0 Then HasAddInfo = True Elseif Instr(Lcase(address),"suite ")>0 Then HasAddInfo = True Elseif Instr(Lcase(address),"ste ")>0 Then HasAddInfo = True Elseif Instr(Lcase(address)," #")>0 Then HasAddInfo = True Elseif Instr(Lcase(address),", ")>0 Then HasAddInfo = True Else HasAddInfo = False End If End Function Public Function Compare(str1 As String, str2 As String) As Integer End Function Public Function IsValid() As Integer If GeoString = "" Then IsValid = False Else IsValid = True End If End Function Public Function GetGeoValue(tag As String) As String Dim startpos As Long Dim endpos As Long Dim tempstring As String If GeoString = "" Then GetGeoValue = "" Exit Function End If startpos = Instr(Lcase(GeoString),"<" & Lcase(tag) & ">") + Len(tag) endpos = Instr(startpos, Lcase(GeoString), "</"+Lcase(tag) & ">") If endpos < startpos Then GetGeoValue = "" Else tempstring = Fulltrim(Mid$(GeoString,startpos+2, endpos - startpos - 2)) GetGeoValue = Fulltrim(R5strReplace(tempstring,"&","&")) End If End Function Private Function R5strReplace(mystring As String, search As String, replacewith As String) As String Dim source As String source = mystring While Instr(source, search) > 0 source = Left$(source, Instr(source, search) - 1) + replacewith + _ Right$(source, Len(source) - Instr(source, search) - Len(search) + 1) Wend R5strReplace = source End Function Private Function R5split(strSource As String, strItemDelim As String) As Variant Dim astrReturn() As String ' The array to return Dim intElement As Integer ' The array element currently being set Dim z_intItemCount As Integer ' The total number of elements for the array Dim z_intStartOfItem As Integer ' The start position of the item in the source string. Dim z_intEndOfItem As Integer ' The end position of the item in the source string. Dim z_strCurItem As String ' The currently parsed item Dim z_strRemaining As String ' The remaining string to cycle through Dim z_strStartOfItemBack As String ' The rest of the string, from the start of the item on back. z_strRemaining = strSource ' Cycle through the source string and get a count of elements: While (Not z_strRemaining = "") z_intStartOfItem = Instr(1, z_strRemaining, strItemDelim) If (z_intStartOfItem <> 0) Then z_intItemCount = z_intItemCount + 1 z_strRemaining = Mid(z_strRemaining, z_intStartOfItem + Len(strItemDelim), Len(z_strRemaining)) Else z_intItemCount = z_intItemCount + 1 z_strRemaining = "" End If Wend ' Size the return array so that it can hold all of the elements: Redim astrReturn(z_intItemCount - 1) ' Reset the holder to the value of the source string: z_strRemaining = strSource ' Cycle through the source list, parsing the string into individual array elements: While (Not z_strRemaining = "") For intElement = 0 To Ubound(astrReturn) ' Find the end of the current element: z_intEndOfItem = Instr(1, z_strRemaining, strItemDelim) ' If there is still an item delimiter in the string, parse ' out the item, otherwise assume the remaining text is the ' last item: If (z_intEndOfItem <> 0) Then z_strCurItem = Mid(z_strRemaining, 1, z_intEndOfItem - 1) astrReturn(intElement) = z_strCurItem z_strRemaining = Mid(z_strRemaining, z_intEndOfItem + Len(strItemDelim), _ Len(z_strRemaining)) Else astrReturn(intElement) = z_strRemaining z_strRemaining = "" End If Next Wend ' Return the split array to the caller: R5split = astrReturn End Function End Class
provided by Julian Robichaux at
Below is a simple code sample that will read all person documents from the NAB, get address information for each person, create a list of GeoData objects, then loop through the list and retrieve data out of it.
Of course it could have been done all in the first loop, but I am splitting it up for demonstration purposes.
Sub ProcessDocs Dim db As New NotesDatabase("dsCorp/Deep-South","names.nsf") Dim view As NotesView Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim geodata As GeoData Dim street As String Dim city As String Dim state As String Dim zip As String Dim uind As strring ' Loop though all person documents Set view = db.GetView("People") Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument() Do While doc Is Not Nothing ' Read address from person documents street = doc.OfficeStreetAddress(0) city = doc.OfficeCity(0) state = doc.OfficeState(0) zip = doc.OfficeZIP(0) If street<>"" Then ' Make sure we have an address unid = doc.UniversalID ' Person document unid, used as list tag ' Create a new list item, with unid as list tag and a GeoData object stored Set geodata(unid) = New GeoData(street, city, state, zip) End If Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc) Loop ' Now we will look through the list and get docs again Forall g In geodata ' Get the person document again based on list tag Set doc = db.GetDocumentByUNID( Listtag(g) ) ' Write latitude and longitude to person document doc.OfficeLatitude = g.Latitude doc.OfficeLongitude = g.Longitude Call doc.Save(True,True) End Forall End Sub
provided by Julian Robichaux at