As I switched from IBM Connection to WordPress for my blog, I started thinking about my existing content. Was there a way to move them all over without having to manually copy and paste and recreate all 268 entries?
Well, there is, and this is how I did it, using just a few tools. First I used Wget to retrieve my old blog. This put all the posts on one folder (entries), and all images in another (resource). It was then a simple task to write a Lotusscript agent that processed each file in that folder and read the content, parsed out the title, date originally posted and HTML for the blog post itself. I put that data into separate Notes documents, after performing some cleanup and string replacement.
I had already moved all images to a filer on my primary web server, so I performed a replace of the image URLs in the HTML, to have any images pointing to their new location. I also had to fix some special characters and replace them with the corresponding HTML entities.
Now when I had all the data, I just wrote another agent to export the data out again, to create a CSV file. I then installed a CSV importer in my WordPress blog and used to to import the file I just created.
After a few tweaks I performed a successful import. Later I realized I had missed a few special characters, so I had to fix those entries, but we are talking about 4 or 5, out of 268 entries.
If there is an interest, I might clean up the code a little and create a nicer UI (right now many of the values like path and URL are hard-coded) and then release the code if anyone else is planning to go through the same exercise. Below is the existing code to read the blog entries into a simple Notes database.
Option Public Option Declare Dim entrydir As String Dim resourcedir As String Sub Initialize Dim filename As String Dim cnt List As Integer Dim blogentry List As String Dim tst As Variant entrydir = "D:\BleedYellowBlog\\blogs\texasswede\entry\" resourcedir = "D:\BleedYellowBlog\\blogs\texasswede\resource\" cnt("Total") = 0 filename = Dir$(entrydir + "*.*") Do While fileName <> "" blogentry(filename) = entrydir + filename cnt("Total") = cnt("Total") + 1 fileName = Dir$() Loop cnt("Processed") = 0 ForAll be In blogentry cnt("Processed") = cnt("Processed") + 1 Print "Processing " & cnt("Processed") & " of " & cnt("Total") Call ProcessBlogEntry(ListTag(be),be) End ForAll End Sub Function FixHTML(html As String) As String Dim tmp As String tmp = Replace(html,_ "",_ "") tmp = Replace(tmp,_ "",_ "") tmp = Replace(tmp,"/BLOGS_UPLOADED_IMAGES/","/uploaded_images/") tmp = Replace(tmp,"´",|"´"|) tmp = Replace(tmp,"’","´") tmp = Replace(tmp,"“",|"|) tmp = Replace(tmp,"”",|"|) tmp = Replace(tmp,"…",|"..."|) tmp = Replace(tmp,"<wbr>",||) tmp = Replace(tmp,"> < ",|>&anp;nbsp;< |) FixHTML = tmp End Function Function ProcessBlogEntry(filename As String, localpath As String) As Boolean Dim session As New NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim blogentry As NotesDocument Dim rtitem As NotesRichTextItem Dim siteurl As String Dim html List As String Dim tmp As String Dim import As Boolean Dim titlesection As Boolean Dim row As Integer Dim currow As Integer Dim titletext As string Dim htmltext As String Dim title As String Dim posteddate As String import = False titlesection = False row = 0 Open localpath For Input As #1 charset="UTF-8" Do Until EOF(1) Line Input #1, tmp If InStr(tmp,|class="entryContentContainer"|) > 0 Then import = True End If If import = True Then If InStr(LCase(tmp),|<!-- rating -->|) > 0 Then import = False End If End If If InStr(LCase(tmp),|<!-- entry title and info -->|) > 0 Then titlesection = True End If If titlesection = True Then If InStr(LCase(tmp),|<!-- user name, date, meta info -->|) > 0 Then titlesection = False End If End If If titlesection = True Then titletext = titletext + tmp End If If InStr(LCase(tmp),||) > 0 Then posteddate = StrLeft(StrRight(tmp,"localize ("),"));") End If If import = True Then row = row + 1 html(CStr(row)) = tmp End If Loop Close #1 Set db = session.CurrentDatabase Set blogentry = New NotesDocument(db) blogentry.Form = "Blog Entry" title = Replace(FullTrim(StrLeft(StrRight(titletext,"<h4>"),"</h4>")),"@amp;quot;",|"|) Set rtitem = New NotesRichTextItem(blogentry,"Content") posteddate = Format$(JSMillisecondsToLSDate(CDbl(posteddate)),"mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn") + " GMT" siteurl = "" Call blogentry.ReplaceItemValue("Title", title) Call blogentry.ReplaceItemvalue("PostedDate", posteddate) Call blogentry.ReplaceItemValue("OriginalURL", siteurl + filename) currow = 0 ForAll t In html currow = currow + 1 If InStr(t, |class="entryContentContainer"|)>0 Then ' Do nothing Else If currow < row-2 Then Call rtitem.AppendText(fixhtml(t)) Call rtitem.AddNewLine(1,true) End If End If End ForAll Call blogentry.ComputeWithForm(True,False) Call blogentry.Save(True,True) End Function Function JSMillisecondsToLSDate(millis As Double) As Variant Dim ndt As NotesDateTime Dim zoneOffset As Integer Dim jsEpochDouble As Double, adjustedEpochDouble As Double, millisDateDouble As Double %REM JavaScript millisecond values are based on GMT but writable LotusScript date/time values are local. We need to know the local timezone offset from GMT, and for that we need a NotesDateTime object with both date and time components %END REM Set ndt = New NotesDateTime(Now) zoneOffset = ndt.TimeZone 'The JavaScript epoch is midnight (day start) January 1, 1970 GMT jsEpochDouble = CDbl(DateNumber(1970,1,1)) 'Adjust epoch to local time adjustedEpochDouble = jsEpochDouble - (zoneOffset/24) 'There are 86400000 milliseconds in a day millisDateDouble = adjustedEpochDouble + (millis / 86400000) JSMillisecondsToLSDate = CDat(millisDateDouble) End Function
And here is the agent to export the documents to a CSV file that can be imported into a WordPress blog using the CSV import plugin.
Option Public Option Declare Sub Initialize Dim session As New NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim view As NotesView Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim filename As String filename = "d:\bleedyellow.csv" Open filename For Output As #1 Print #1, |"csv_post_title","csv_post_post",| + _ |"csv_post_type","csv_post_excerpt",| + _ |"csv_post_categories","csv_post_tags",| + _ |"csv_post_date","custom_field_1","custom_field_2"| Set db = session.Currentdatabase Set view = db.GetView("By Title") Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument Do Until doc Is Nothing Print #1, GetCSV(doc) Set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc) Loop Close #1 End Sub Function GetCSV(doc As NotesDocument) As String Dim rtitem As NotesRichTextItem Dim tmp As String Dim content As String Set rtitem = doc.Getfirstitem("Content") content = Replace(FullTrim(rtitem.GetUnformattedText()),|"|,|""|) tmp = |"| + Replace(doc.GetItemValue("Title")(0),|"|,|""|) + |",| tmp = tmp + |"| + content + |",| tmp = tmp + ",," tmp = tmp +|"| + "Old Blog Post" + |",| tmp = tmp +|"| + doc.GetItemValue("Tags")(0) + |",| tmp = tmp +|"| + doc.GetItemValue("PostedDate")(0) + |",,,| GetCSV = tmp End Function
Thanks for the post and for sharing the code. his will come in handy.