After having my blog hosted by Lotus911 (later GBS) at for almost five years, I have decided to switch blog platform. The main reason is due to limitations in IBM Connections as a blog platform (no anonymous comments and issues for example when trying to embed videos). I decided to go with WordPress as my blog platform, as it is common and widely supported.
Another advantage with a WordPress hosted blog that is that I now can have the blog hosted under my personal domain, as
Earlier today I imported the existing content to the new blog. I will write about that process in another blog entry shortly. Basically I wrote a couple of Lotusscript agents in Notes and retrieved the existing blog content and then reformatted it for WordPress. As I did not have very many comments, I did not import them, as I decided the amount of work was not worth it. They can be found on my old blog, as I will keep it alive. That way all the links to it from different placs will also continue to work.
I have not verified all old entries, so if you notice anything that need to be fixed, please let me know. One known issue is when I reference another blog entry, the link will currently take you to
Again, a big thanks to GBS who hosted my blog for the last five years, and who got me into blogging. I had made some attempt prior to 2008, but never got motivated enough. Hopefully the switch to WordPress and the greater possibilities will lead to me blogging more frequently than lately.
Good decision! I have a couple of times wanted to comment on Your blogposts but decided to not do it just because I can’t do it without being forced to create an account.
I like the theme – clean and bright.
Beautiful theme!!!
@Ray and Kenneth: Thank you! Yes, I like this theme too, probably going to pay for the Pro version, so I get more control myself and can modify the CSS slightly.
Karl, the blog looks good! It was great hosting your blog over at BY when I was helping to manage that site.
And about the authentication thing, I believe it took longer for me to remember what “9 x nine =” for this post verification than it would take to create a BY account. ;) That is something we asked IBM to allow for, though, since December, 2007 and many times throughout the years.
“Karl’s new blog – the place where you have to do math.” haha – best wishes. Very cool how you aggregated your content too. :)
Yeah, I know it was an IBM issue (I even brought it up with some product managers at Lotusphere), and that you guys tried to get it fixed.
Thanks for all your help when messing up a post, it was great to know I could just contact you to fix it. :-)