About This Blog
Welcome to my blog.
I am Karl-Henry Martinsson, also known as “TexasSwede”. As my name (and maybe sometimes my grammar) may give away, I am originally from Sweden, but living in the US since 1998, and in Texas since 2002.
My blogging started in January 2008, and my blog was initially hosted by the generous people at Lotus911 (later GBS), running on IBM Connections. In 2012 I moved the blog to WordPress, due to limitations of Connections. The main reason was that only users with accounts on the system could comment on the blog. as well as issues when trying to embed videos.
I moved the old content from bleedyellow.com to this blog, so that all the info I posted back then will continue to be available. Some formatting may have been lost in the process, though.
You can find my personal website at www.texasswede.com, where you can learn more about me.
I have been working with and programming Lotus Notes since 1996. I have also been working with Javascript, Visual Basic, C, Pascal and a few other languages and tools. In addition to this, I do web design using Javascript frameworks like jQuery and BootStrap. I also work with NetSuite, a cloud based ERP system from Oracle.
I was selected by IBM as IBM Champion from 2014 through 2020, and also honored by HCL as HCL Master in 2019 and 2020.
Using code posted on this blog
All code posted on this blog is copyrighted by me, unless otherwise noted. You are free to use the code in your own applications, even for commercial purposes. I do request that you include a reference to me, as well as an acknowledgement of my rights to the code. This should be in the source code, and also in the About document for the application or another similar location where the users/customers can find it.
Something like this is sufficient in your code:
%REM ***************************************************** This code/function is copyright Karl-Henry Martinsson and is used with permission. The code can also be found at http://blog.texasswede.com/where-to-find-it. %REM
How to contact me
I am available for custom development and consulting. The best and easiest way is to contact me through email, karl-henry@demandbettersolutions.com or texasswede@gmail.com. You can also find me on Skype, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
My policy on comments
I require a real name (or a well-known handle) and a real email address for all comments. If the address sounds bogus or made up, I reserve the right to delete the comment. Same thing for trolls. You can be critical of what I write about, but then you must provide some valid arguments. My blog, my rules.
Hi !
I ran across your script for analyzing ACLs
I’m an admin and don’t really know how to use the code; can you please point me to help documents? I’d like to use that to audit my system.
Sorry for late response.
You simply copy the code into an agent in a new database, it is nothing complicated. But if you are not a developer, it never hurts to hire someone, perhaps for just an hour or two.
Dear Mr Martinsson,
I would like to know whether there is a possibility of exporting Notes databases (forms, views, css, image resources etc) as HTML. If yes, how is this possible?
Thanking you in advance.
Nayiri Yildizian
Not if you want the dynamic functionality, a Domino-based web application is normally working against a database backend.
If you only have static pages, you can use wget or similar tool to download a copy of the HTML files and images.
Hi Mr.Martinsson,
I am trying to extra mails from Lotus Notes using Python. I can get the list of folder with notesDatabase.Views method. But when I run notesDatabase.GetView method, it returns . And I also want to know how get the current userID role with API. Could you please give some suggestions?
Thank you in advance!