Back in 2003 or so, I wrote some code to take a form letter (stored in a Notes document) and merge that with data stored in another Notes document in order to create a personalized letter that could be printed or emailed. Back then we were still on Notes 5, so very limited rich text functionality and no budget to purchase Ben’s excellent Midas LSX. The end result worked, but any formatting in the form letter template was lost.
Eventually we upgraded to Notes 7 and later to Notes 8.5. Now I had much more rich text functionality to play with, so I rewrote the code as a class. I added some additional functionality, like formatting values using a mask, and some lookup functionality. The class support all kind of formatting in the form letter template, including fonts, colors, tables, graphics, etc.
This is what a typical form letter look like:
As you can see, the placeholders are using curly brackets to hold either a field name or a command. The commands are indicated by the percent sign (%). There can also be different arguments, for formatting, lookup into the NAB/Domino Directory, etc. I even have functionality to present a nice dialog box where the user can pick recipient from a list of everyone associated with the claim (as this is from a claim system used by an insurance company).
Here is a description of the syntax for the placeholders:
{fieldname} {%DATE} {%TIME} {%INPUT PROMPT=”Please enter the amount” FORMAT=”$#,##0.00″ REQUIRED SETVAR=”variablename”} {%GETVAR NAME=”variablename”} {%USER} or {%USR} {%PICKLIST SERVER=”servername” DB=”database” VIEW=”viewname” FIELD=”fieldname” PROMPT=”text} {%PICKLIST VIEW=”viewname” FIELD=”fieldname” CACHED} |
And now the code, from a script library called Class.MailMerge.
Right now I don’t have the time to move the code out of my application and build a working sample database (the form letters are actually stored in a separate database), but I hope that this code can still help someone.
Option Public Option Declare '*** Script Library for MailMerge, preserving formatting in Rich Text field '*** Requires Notes 6.5 or higher (tested in 7.0, 8.0 and 8.5) '*** Copyright (c) Karl-Henry Martinsson 2003-2012 '*** Email: '*** Websites: & '*** This code can be user in any application, as long as this notice '*** is left intact. Also, the copyright information must be published in '*** any documentation and on the About page, or similar location visible '*** to the users, if they can not easily view/access the source code. '*** If this code saves you time and helps you, consider a donation. Const TYPE_FIELD = 1 Const TYPE_CMD = 2 Dim picklist List As NotesDocument Dim variable List As String Class PlaceHolderData Public placeholderstring As String Public placeholdertype As Integer Public fieldname As String Public fieldtype As Long Public command As String Public argument List As String Public text As String Public Sub New(Byval placeholder As String) ' Store the original placeholder placeholderstring = placeholder ' Strip out curly brackets before and after placeholder = Mid$(placeholder,2,Len(placeholder)-2) If Left$(placeholder,1) = "%" Then ' Check if it is a command Me.placeholdertype = TYPE_CMD ' Remove the % in front of the command placeholder = Right$(placeholder,Len(placeholder)-1) Else Me.placeholdertype = TYPE_FIELD End If Call ParsePlaceHolder(placeholder) End Sub Private Sub ParsePlaceHolder(Byval placeholder As String) Dim startpos As Integer Dim midpos As Integer Dim endpos As Integer Dim args As Integer ' Boolean to indicate argements present or not Dim argstring As String Dim qt As Integer Dim eq As Integer Dim char As String Dim argname As String Dim argvalue As String Dim i As Integer ' First we need to find the end of the command or field. ' It is either at the end of the placeholder or when we encounter a space endpos = Instr(placeholder," ") ' Search for space If endpos = 0 Then ' No space, e.g. no arguments endpos = Len(placeholder) args = False Else ' We have some arguments endpos = endpos -1 ' Reduce by one to get rid of trailing space args = True End If If Me.placeholdertype = TYPE_CMD Then Me.command = Ucase(Left$(placeholder,endpos)) Else Me.fieldname = Left$(placeholder,endpos) End If If args = True Then ' Add code here to get arguments argstring = Fulltrim(Right$(placeholder,Len(placeholder)-endpos) ) ' Get arguments only qt = False eq = False For i = 1 To Len(argstring) char = Mid$(argstring,i,1) ' Get character If eq = True Then argvalue=argvalue & char Else argname=argname & char End If If char = |"| Then ' We found a quote If qt = False Then qt = True Else qt = False End If Elseif char="=" Then ' Found a equal, e.g. now we are getting to a value If eq = False Then eq = True Else eq = False End If End If If i = Len(argstring) Then ' We are at the end char = " " ' Fake a space End If If char = " " Then ' Found a space If qt = False Then ' Make sure it is not within quotes eq = False ' Now we are back at argument name again If Right$(argname,1) = "=" Then argname = Left$(argname,Len(argname)-1) ' Remove trainling equal sign End If Me.argument(Ucase(argname)) = Fulltrim(Replace(argvalue,|"|,"")) ' Create list item, remove quotes argname = "" argvalue = "" End If End If Next End If End Sub Public Sub ProcessPlaceHolder(sourcedoc As NotesDocument, lossnotice As NotesDocument) Dim session As New NotesSession Dim thisdb As NotesDatabase Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace Dim pickcollection As NotesDocumentCollection Dim pickdoc As NotesDocument Dim servername As String Dim dbname As String Dim viewname As String Dim fieldvalue As String Dim formatstring As String Dim inputstr As String Dim prompt As String Dim title As String Dim default As String Dim filterfield As String Dim filtervalue As String Dim nabdoc As NotesDocument ' Read any formatting specified in arguments If Iselement(Me.argument("FORMAT")) Then formatstring = Me.argument("FORMAT") Elseif Iselement(Me.argument("FMT")) Then formatstring = Me.argument("FMT") Else formatstring = "" End If If placeholdertype = TYPE_FIELD Then If sourcedoc Is Nothing Then Msgbox "Error: sourcedoc not defined, unable to retrieve data from field '" & Me.fieldname & "'.",,"MailMerge::PlaceHolder.ProcessPlaceHolder()" fieldvalue = "*** ERROR ***" Exit Sub Else If Iselement(Me.Argument("LOSSNOTICE")) Then fieldvalue = lossnotice.GetItemValue(Me.fieldname)(0) Me.FieldType = lossnotice.GetFirstItem(Me.fieldname).Type Elseif Iselement(Me.Argument("SOURCE")) Then If Ucase(Me.Argument("SOURCE")) = "LOSSNOTICE" Then fieldvalue = lossnotice.GetItemValue(Me.fieldname)(0) Me.FieldType = lossnotice.GetFirstItem(Me.fieldname).Type End If Else fieldvalue = sourcedoc.GetItemValue(Me.fieldname)(0) Me.FieldType = sourcedoc.GetFirstItem(Me.fieldname).Type End If If formatstring <> "" Then If Isdate(fieldvalue) Then ' Check if it might be a date/time value fieldvalue = Format$(Cdat(fieldvalue),formatstring) Elseif Isnumeric(fieldvalue) Then ' Check if it might be a numeric value fieldvalue = Format$(Cdbl(fieldvalue),formatstring) End If End If End If Me.text = fieldvalue Else ' *** Fix legacy commands If Ucase(Me.Command) = "USR" Then Me.Command = "USER" End If ' *** Process placeholder commands Select Case Ucase(Me.Command) Case "USER" : If Iselement(Me.Argument("NABFIELD")) Then Me.Text = GetNABField(session.CommonUserName, Me.Argument("NABFIELD")) Else Me.Text = session.CommonUserName End If Case "INPUT" : ' *** Ask the user to enter information prompt = Me.Argument("PROMPT") If Iselement(Me.Argument("TITLE")) Then title = Me.Argument("TITLE") Else title = "FormLetter Mail Merge" End If If Iselement(Me.Argument("DEFAULT")) Then default = Me.Argument("DEFAULT") Else default = "" End If If Iselement(Me.Argument("REQUIRED")) Then ' Repeat until user enter a value Do inputstr = Inputbox$(prompt, title, default) Loop While Fulltrim(inputstr)="" Else inputstr = Inputbox$(prompt, title, default) End If If formatstring <> "" Then If Isdate(inputstr) Then ' Check if it might be a date/time value inputstr = Format$(Cdat(inputstr),formatstring) Elseif Isnumeric(inputstr) Then ' Check if it might be a numeric value inputstr = Format$(Cdbl(inputstr),formatstring) End If End If Me.Text = inputstr ' *** Check for SETVAR argument If Iselement(Me.argument("SETVAR")) Then variable(Ucase(Me.argument("SETVAR")))=Me.Text End If Case "PICKLIST" : ' Present the user with a list of documents to choose from Set thisdb = session.CurrentDatabase Set pickdoc = Nothing ' Clear pickdoc ' *** We need to get the view argument to perform a lookup into the list... If Iselement(Me.Argument("VIEW")) Then viewname = Ucase(Me.Argument("VIEW")) End If ' *** If CLAIMANT argument is specified, set arguments to predefined values If Iselement(Me.Argument("CLAIMANT")) Then Me.Argument("VIEW") = "(SysLookupClaimantsCatByParentUNID)" Me.Argument("FILTER") = "ParentUNID" Me.Argument("PROMPT") = "Select Claimant:" End If ' *** Check if user requested to clear cached data If Iselement(Me.Argument("CLEARCACHE")) Then If Iselement(picklist(viewname)) Then Erase picklist(viewname) ' Delete this cached item (document) End If End If ' *** If user want to use cached data, load pickdoc with cached data If Iselement(Me.Argument("CACHED")) Then If Iselement(picklist(viewname)) Then Set pickdoc = picklist(viewname) End If End If If pickdoc Is Nothing Then ' No cached document for this view If Iselement(Me.Argument("SERVER")) Then servername = Me.Argument("SERVER") Else servername = thisdb.Server End If If Iselement(Me.Argument("DB")) Then dbname = Me.Argument("DB") Else dbname = thisdb.FilePath End If If Iselement(Me.Argument("VIEW")) Then viewname = Me.Argument("VIEW") Else Msgbox "Missing Required Argument - VIEW" & Chr$(13) & Me.PlaceHolderString,,"Missing Argument" Exit Sub End If If Iselement(Me.Argument("PROMPT")) Then prompt = Me.Argument("PROMPT") Else Msgbox "Missing Required Argument - PROMPT" & Chr$(13) & Me.PlaceHolderString,,"Missing Argument" Exit Sub End If If Iselement(Me.Argument("TITLE")) Then title = Me.Argument("TITLE") Else title = "FormLetter Mail Merge" End If onemoretime: If Iselement(Me.Argument("FILTER")) Then filterfield = Me.Argument("FILTER") ' Get field to filter on filtervalue = sourcedoc.GetItemValue(filterfield)(0) ' Get value of field on source document Set pickcollection = ws.PicklistCollection(3, False, servername, dbname, viewname, title, prompt, filtervalue) Else Set pickcollection = ws.PicklistCollection(3, False, servername, dbname, viewname, title, prompt) End If If Isempty(pickcollection) Then If Iselement(Me.Argument("REQUIRED")) Then If Ucase(Me.Argument("REQUIRED")) <> "NO" Then Msgbox "You need to select one item/document in the list.", , title Goto onemoretime End If End If Else Set pickdoc = pickcollection.GetFirstDocument End If If pickdoc Is Nothing Then Msgbox "Error: No document returned.",,"MailMerge::PlaceHolder.ProcessPlaceHolder()" Exit Sub End If Set picklist(Ucase(viewname)) = pickdoc End If If Iselement(Me.Argument("FIELD")) Then fieldname = Me.Argument("FIELD") Else Msgbox "Missing Required Argument - FIELD" & Chr$(13) & Me.PlaceHolderString,,"Missing Argument" Exit Sub End If inputstr = pickdoc.GetItemValue(fieldname)(0) If formatstring <> "" Then If Isdate(inputstr) Then ' Check if it might be a date/time value inputstr = Format$(Cdat(inputstr),formatstring) Elseif Isnumeric(inputstr) Then ' Check if it might be a numeric value inputstr = Format$(Cdbl(inputstr),formatstring) End If End If Me.Text = inputstr ' *** Check for SETVAR argument If Iselement(Me.argument("SETVAR")) Then variable(Ucase(Me.argument("SETVAR")))=Me.Text End If Case "DATE" : ' *** Current Date If formatstring = "" Then Me.Text = Format$(Now(),"mm/dd/yyyy") Else Me.Text = Format$(Now(),formatstring) End If Case "TIME" : ' *** Current Time If formatstring = "" Then Me.Text = Format$(Now(),"hh:nn:ss") Else Me.Text = Format$(Now(),formatstring) End If Case "GETVAR" : ' *** Get variable previously stored If Iselement(variable(Ucase(Me.argument("NAME")))) Then Me.Text = variable(Ucase(Me.argument("NAME"))) End If Case Else : Me.Text = "**** undefined command ***" End Select End If End Sub ' *** Private supporting functions/subs Private Function GetNABField(user As String, fieldname As String) As String Dim session As New NotesSession Dim curdb As NotesDatabase Dim nabdb As NotesDatabase Dim view As NotesView Dim col As NotesDocumentCollection Dim userdoc As NotesDocument Set curdb = session.CurrentDatabase Set nabdb = New Notesdatabase(curdb.Server, "names.nsf") Set view = nabdb.GetView("PeopleByFirstname") Set col = view.GetAllDocumentsByKey(user) If col Is Nothing Then GetNABField = "" Exit Function End If Set userdoc = col.GetFirstDocument If userdoc Is Nothing Then GetNABField = "" Exit Function End If GetNABField = userdoc.GetItemValue(fieldname)(0) End Function End Class Class MailMergeObject Public templatedoc As NotesDocument ' Where to get layout from Public sourcefield As NotesRichTextItem Public targetfield As NotesRichTextItem ' Where to put the merged text Public placeholder List As PlaceHolderData Private sourcedoc As NotesDocument ' The document containing data to be merged Private maindoc As NotesDocument ' The main document for the processed document Private tempbody As NotesRichTextItem ' Temporary copy of body field for this class/instance Public Sub New() End Sub Public Sub SetSourceDoc(doc As NotesDocument) Set sourcedoc = doc End Sub Public Sub SetMainDoc(doc As NotesDocument) Set maindoc = doc End Sub Public Function LoadTemplate() As Integer Dim body As NotesRichTextItem Dim temp As String Dim bodytext As String Dim startpos As Long Dim endpos As Long Set sourcefield = templatedoc.GetFirstItem("Body") ' Put template body field (rich text) into global object Set body = sourcefield ' Put rich text into temporary body object bodytext = body.GetUnformattedText() startpos = Instr(bodytext,"{") Do While startpos > 0 endpos = Instr(startpos,bodytext,"}") If endpos>0 Then temp = Mid$(bodytext,startpos,endpos-startpos+1) Set placeholder(temp & "~" & startpos) = New PlaceHolderData(temp) ' Add to list of placeholder objects End If startpos = Instr(endpos,bodytext,"{") Loop End Function Public Function MergedRichText() As NotesRichTextItem Dim range As NotesRichTextRange Dim cnt As Integer Set tempbody = sourcefield Set range = tempbody.CreateRange Forall p In placeholder Call p.ProcessPlaceHolder(sourcedoc, maindoc) If p.text = "" Then p.text = " -- " End If cnt = range.FindAndReplace(p.placeholderstring, p.text, 1+4+8+16) End Forall Call tempbody.Compact Call tempbody.Update Set targetfield = tempbody Set MergedRichText = tempbody End Function Public Function Content() As NotesRichTextItem Set Content = targetfield End Function End Class
I will try to post some sample code later, using this script library.